Units and committees - College of Applied Medical Sciences
الوحدات واللجان التابعه للوكالة:
First: Committee for the Website of the College of Applied Medical Sciences
(Committee Tasks)
- Formulating the necessary executive mechanisms for the committee's work.
- Implementing the relevant projects from the college’s strategic plan and academic accreditation.
- Developing the college’s website.
- Supervising and monitoring the content of sub-sites within the college’s electronic portal.
- Continuously adding, modifying, and updating activities and news.
- Implementing any tasks assigned by the Vice Dean for Development and Quality.
Second: Suggestions and Complaints Committee at the College of Applied Medical Sciences
(Committee Tasks)
- Following up on complaints from college staff and completing the necessary procedures according to the approved mechanism in the college.
- Studying any suggestions and constructive opinions received by the committee and submitting the findings to the college administration for further action.
- Submitting an annual report on the committee's work to the College Council.
- Performing any other tasks assigned to the committee.
Third: Skills Development Committee at the College of Applied Medical Sciences
(Committee Tasks)
- Implementing tasks related to the committee in the academic accreditation file and strategic plans.
- Identifying the training needs of faculty and administrative staff and preparing and implementing improvement plans.
- Conducting training courses and workshops based on identified training needs.
- Measuring the impact of training programs on faculty and administrative staff performance and implementing improvement plans.
- Implementing community service activities related to training and development according to the approved plan for this area.
- Implementing any tasks assigned by the Vice Dean for Development and Quality.
Fourth: Measurement and Evaluation Committee at the College of Applied Medical Sciences
(Committee Tasks)
- Formulating the necessary mechanisms for the committee’s work.
- Implementing tasks related to the college’s strategic plan and academic accreditation.
- Participating in setting policies and goals for measurement and evaluation related to performance quality at the university level.
- Participating in building and designing surveys and questionnaires related to measuring performance indicators for the college’s programs.
- Monitoring the evaluation process in the college’s quality units.
- Acting as a liaison between the college and the Performance Measurement Unit at the Development and Quality Deanship to monitor performance indicators and the university’s strategic plan, following the standard procedures and holding periodic meetings.
- Establishing complementary, collaborative, and effective relationships with the Performance Measurement Unit at the Development and Quality Deanship.
- Implementing any tasks assigned by the Vice Dean for Development and Quality.
Fifth: Planning and Follow-up Unit
(Unit Tasks)
- Promoting the concept of strategic thinking among academic and administrative leaders and college staff using various methods.
- Monitoring the implementation of all strategic plans at the university.
- Submitting periodic and non-periodic reports on the progress of executive and operational plans, obstacles, and suggestions for adjustments or support.
- Monitoring the achievement of approved performance measurement standards for the unit to ensure goal attainment and effectiveness.
- Implementing any other tasks assigned to the unit.
Sixth: Teaching and Learning Unit
(Unit Tasks)
- Setting policies and strategies for teaching and learning at the college in line with knowledge-building requirements.
- Establishing mechanisms to enhance academic advising efficiency and self-development among faculty members.
- Reviewing and evaluating the quality of curriculum development in the context of improving academic programs, meeting quality requirements, addressing labor market needs, and encouraging creative thinking.
- Monitoring and coordinating various programs to meet the teaching and learning standards.
- Contributing to the development of policies for teaching methods, student assessment systems, and faculty evaluation, supporting the university’s focus on student-centered education.
- Establishing mechanisms for improving educational requirements and resources, such as libraries, laboratories, classrooms, and internet facilities across various programs.
- Implementing any tasks assigned to the unit.
Seventh: Academic Accreditation Unit
(Unit Tasks)
- Designing academic accreditation plans and policies for the college.
- Fostering and spreading the culture of accreditation within the college community.
- Supporting departments in communicating with local, regional, and international accreditation bodies.
- Offering support and guidance to the college's academic, research, and administrative units on matters related to program accreditation and preparing for accreditation.
- Coordinating with academic, research, and administrative units to set a timeline for follow-up and accreditation visits.
- Following up on reports from accreditation experts and bodies regarding the college's units and taking appropriate actions.
- Contributing to building outstanding expertise in the field of academic accreditation.
- Supervising human resources within the scope of the unit’s responsibilities and working on developing their capabilities.
- Implementing any other tasks assigned to the unit.