home - Adel Alshahahrani
د. عادل بن محمد الشهراني
Dr. Adel M Alshahrani
عميد كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية، مستشار وكيل الجامعة للتطوير والجودة لشؤون التصنيفات العالمية.
أستاذ مشارك
العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
قسم علوم التأهيل - برنامج العلاج الطبيعي
Associate Professor
Applied Medical Sciences College
Health Rehabilitation Dep
Physiotherapy Program
دكتوراة في اضطربات الأذن الداخلية والاتزان،أستاذ مشارك و استشاري. مراجع جودة اكاديمي معتمد من المركز الوطني للتقويم والاعتماد
Doctorate in Vestibular Rehabilitation and balance disorders, consultant and associate professor, Academic quality reviewer from ETEC-NCAAA

المؤهلات العلمية
2007 Bachelor of Science: Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
King Saud University - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
2010 Master of Science: Rehabilitation sciences with Concentration in Musculoskeletal Disorders
University Of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, PA, USA
2015 Doctorate degree (PhD): Physical Therapy
Loma Linda University - Loma Linda, CA, USA
07/2007 to 09/2011 Physical Therapist
King Fahad Specialist Hospital-Dammam? - Dammam
07/2013 to 09/2015 Teaching Assistant
Loma Linda University - Loma Linda, CA
09/2015 to 04/2017 Senior Physical Therapist
King Fahad Specialist Hospital-Dammam - Dammam
04/2017 to 01/2021 Assistant Professor
Najran University, Saudi Arabia.
04/2020 till now Consultant Physical Therapist
Najran university, Saudi Arabia
01/2021 till now Associate Professor
Najran University, Saudi Arabia.
التخصصات والمهارات
- Treating patients with different physical conditions with a concentration in orthopedic, spine, and vestibular cases.
Worked as acting head of Physical Therapy Department 2008. Worked as a Training Coordinator for interns from different universities and planned their internship period, 2011. Worked as a coordinator in the Allied Health Credentials Committee, 2011. Worked in the Research Committee in the Physical Therapy Department, 2011.
- Maintained a teaching load of 1 or 2 graduate courses each quarter. Challenged and motivated students through in-depth lectures and discussions. Lectured and communicated effectively with students from diverse backgrounds. Supervised and instructed students during practical sessions.
- Vise dean quality and development for academic accreditation (09/19- Now). Following up with programs for academic accreditation and coordinating for skills development training programs for Najran university.
- Head of executive committee in vice-rectorship for educational affairs (09/18 – 02/19).
- Head of maternity and children dept in Nursing College (05/19- 04/21)
- Consultant physical therapy in the university hospital.
- Director for the college physical therapy clinics. (2017-2019)
- Head of Research committee in Rehabilitation Sciences Dep.
- Deputy for development and quality unit in the CAMS.
- Head of safety and security committee in CAMS.
- Head of public relations and media affairs in CAMS.
-Member of designing NU stratigic planning commitee. (2019)
- Head of International Rankings Unit (09/21- Now).
-Member of designing NU stratigic planning commitee. (2019)
- Head of excellence award for development & quality committee. 2021
- Member of Publication and Excellence Awards committee. 2021
الدورات التدربية
01/07: “Symposium on Challenges in the Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury”; King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 8 CME.
03/07: “Workshop on Role of Physical Therapy in Urinary Incontinence Workshop”; Dammam Central Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia; 5 CME.
03/07: “Patient Education as an Intervention Technique for Knee Osteoarthritis”; Armed Forces Hospital, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; 4 CME.
04/07: “Facial Nerve Symposium”; King Fahad University Hospital, Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia; 4 CME.
05/07: “Clinical Neurological Assessment Workshop”; King Fahad Specialist Hospital; Dammam, Saudi Arabia; 4 CME.
11/07: “2nd Gulf Colloquium for Physical Therapy”; KFUH; Alkhobar: KSA; 16 CME.
02/08: “Stroke Assessment Workshop”; KFSH-D; Dammam; KSA; 11 CME.
04/08: “Manual Therapy Workshop”; KFSH-D; Dammam; KSA.
02/10: "BLS for health providers"; Center for Emergency Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA; USA.
09/09- 03/10: "Weekly Clinical Rotation lectures at the University of Pittsburgh", Pittsburgh, PA. USA.
06/10: "The Annual Conference and Exposition of APTA", Boston, MA, USA
06/10: "Evidence-Based Manual Therapy"; Boston, MA; USA; 12 CME.
1 & 2/12/2010: "KFSH-D Research and Education Week"; Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 7 CME.
04/12/2010: "Presentation Session Workshop"; KFSH-D, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 2 CME.
08 & 09/12/2010: "Clinical Research & Quality Lectures Series"; Dammam,Saudi Arabia, 6 CME.
08/03/2011- 09/03/2011: "Advanced Medical Taping Course"; KFSH-D; 13 CME.
04/02/2012-07/02/2012: "Combined Section Meeting for APTA", Different lectures and courses in PT, San Diego, CA, 2012.
8/01/2012 - 03/06/2012: "Retrain the Brain "Seminar Series: Integration of the Brain, Manipulative Therapy, and Movement Science"; Loma Linda, CA, USA, 100 CME.
10/07/2012: " Current Concepts in the Management of Individuals with Vestibular Dysfunction", American Physical Therapy Association, Alexandria, VA, USA, 3 CME.
6-11/ July 2015: " Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Competency-Based Course", Los Angeles, CA, USA, 40 CME.
Academic leaders’ role in the academic accreditation, Online course, King Abdelaziz university, 4 May 2020.
Quality Assurance in higher education during COVID-19 pandemic, ETEC, online course, 09,06,2020.
Academic Accreditation Hopes and Looking forward, King Abdulaziz University, online course, 09-06-2020.
Common mistakes made during reports preparation for programs and courses, Online course, Najran university, 29-04-2020.
02/2015: " Total Quality Management"; California, USA, 10 Hours.
02/2015: "Leadership for Frontline Manager to Top Executive", California, USA.
02/2015: " Strategic Management", California, USA.
09/2020: “Academic quality practitioner, online course, NCAAA.
12/2020: “Academic quality reviewer, online course, NCAAA.
from 2020 till now: organize, coordinate, present many lectures, workshops, and presentations related to development & quality.
Scientific Research
- Alshahrani A, Johnson EG and Cordett TK. Vertebral artery testing and differential diagnosis in dizzy patients. Phys Ther Rehabil. 2014; 1:3.
- Alshahrani A, Bussell M, Johnson EG, Tsao B, Bahjri K. The Effects of a Novel Therapeutic Intervention in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Patients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2015. In Press.
- Alshahrani, Adel, et al. "Impact of smartphone usage on cervical proprioception and balance in healthy adults." (2018).
- Asiri, Faisal, Mohammad A. ALMohiza, Mohammad Faia Aseeri, Mohammed Mehtab Alam, Sabri M. Ataalla, Mazen Alqahtani, and Adel Alshahrani. "Fall prevention knowledge and practice patterns among home healthcare professionals in southern Saudi Arabia: an observational study." Journal of international medical research 46, no. 12 (2018): 5062-5073.
- Asiri, Faisal Y., Adel Alshahrani, Mohamed Faia Aseeri, Mohammed Mehtab Alam, Sabri M. Ataalla, Mohammad A. AlMohiza, and Irshad A. Abdulhamed. "Fall risks factors among home-based health care patients in the Aseer province: Observational study." Biomedical Research 29, no. 12 (2018).
- Alshahrani, Adel. "Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Physical Therapy Clinic at Najran University in Different Anatomical Sites and Association with Age." Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences 7.2 (2019): 14-21.
- Asiri, Faisal Yahya, Abdullah Saleh Altera, Adel Alshahrani Mohammad, Mahtab Alam, Mazen Alqahtani, Faizan Zaffar Kashoo, and Mahamed Ateef. "Physical Therapy Utilization and Patients Characteristics among Home Health Care Beneficiaries with Cerebrovascular Accidents in Saudi Arabia."
- Alshahrani, Adel et al. “The awareness and perception of physicians about physical therapy role on patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy in Saudi Arabia.” (2019).
- Wafaa Taha Ibrahim Elgzar1, Awad Mohamed Elqahtani2, Heba Abdelfatah Ebrahim1, Adel Alshahrani, and Reem Aied Asiry. relationship between Learning Styles and Readiness for Self-directed Learning among Nursing Students at Najran University. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2019, 8(10): 67-7
- Qahmash, Adel, and Adel Alshahrani. "Factors Influencing Intentions to Teach Online Among Physical Therapy Faculty in Saudi Arabia from Faculty Perspectives of View." 80.80 (2020): 1-13.
- Alshahrani A. Prevalence of Low Back Pain among Nursing Staff in Najran, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study. Med Sci (Basel). 2020 Oct 30;8(4):E45. doi: 10.3390/medsci8040045. PMID: 33143158.
- Dr. Raee Saeed Alhyani, Dr. Muhamad Yaseen Mughal*, Dr. Adel Alshahrani, Dr. Muhammad Asif Sheikh, Dr.
Hashim Ahmd, Muhammad Jarar Abdu-ur-Rehman(2021). Practice of Self-Prescribed Analgesics from the Students of Physical Therapy. Saudi J Med, 6(6): 154-158. - Alshahrani, A., Samy Abdrabo, M., Aly, S. M., Alshahrani, M. S., Alqhtani, R. S., Asiri, F., & Ahmad, I. (2021). Effect of Smartphone Usage on Neck Muscle Endurance, Hand Grip and Pinch Strength among Healthy College Students: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(12), 6290.
- Alshahrani, A. M., Abdullah, A. M., Elgzar, W. T., Ibrahim, H. A., & Eltohamy, N. A. (2020). Postnatal exercises: perceived barriers and self-efficacy among women at maternal and children hospital at Najran, kingdom of Saudi Arabia. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 24(4), 164-172.
- Alsowaigh, M., M. A. Arafah, S. K. Alharbi, Adel Alshahrani. "Posterior tibial slope measurement among Saudi population." MOJ Orthop Rheumatol 13.3 (2021): 60-63.
- Ahmed, H., Jarrar, M. A., Ahmed, R., Alqhtani, R., & Alshahrani, Adel. (2020). Effect of Post-Isometric Relaxation and Laser on Upper Trapezius Trigger Point Pain in Patients with Mechanical Neck Pain. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 23(12), 1660.
- Alotaibi, Aziz, Mohammad Shiblee, and Adel Alshahrani. "Prediction of severity of COVID-19-infected patients using machine learning techniques." Computers 10.3 (2021): 31.
- Alshahrani, Adel, et al. "Effect of Smartphone Usage on Neck Muscle Endurance, Hand Grip and Pinch Strength among Healthy College Students: A Cross-Sectional Study." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18.12 (2021): 6290.
- Raee Saeed Alghtani, Muhamad Yaseen Mughal, Adel Alshahrani , Muhammad Asif Sheikh , Hashim Ahmed , Muhammad Jarar Abdu-ur-Rehman. (2021). Practice of Self-Prescribed Analgesics from the Students of Physical Therapy. Saudi J Med, 6(6): 154-158.
- Alqhtani, R. S., Alshahrani, A., Jarrar, M. A. R., Ahmed, R., & Ahmed, H. (2021). Effect of Secondary Cognitive and Motor Tasks on Selected Gait Parameters in Different Age Groups.
- Alshahrani, Mastour Saeed, Ravi Shankar Reddy, Jaya Shanker Tedla, Faisal Asiri, and Adel Alshahrani. "Association between Kinesiophobia and Knee Pain Intensity, Joint Position Sense, and Functional Performance in Individuals with Bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis." In Healthcare, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 120. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022.
- Alshahrani, Adel, et al. "Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Physical Therapists toward COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia—A Cross-Sectional Study." Healthcare. Vol. 10. No. 1. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022.
Teaching courses
405PHTH-4 |
الساعات المكتبية
8-9 | 9-10 | 10-11 | 11-12 | 12-1 | 1-2 | |||
الأحد Sunday |
الاثنين Monday |
الثلاثاء Tuesday |
الأربعاء Wednesday |
الخميس Thursday |