null Antibiotic awareness event under the massage "Don't risk your health"

The College of Applied Medical Sciences, the College of Pharmacy, and the College of Nursing, represented by the community service committees in the colleges, in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs, held an antibiotic awareness campaign exhibition under the massage (Do not risk your health) on Friday, January 27, 2023 for two days at Al-Azzam Mall. 
The event was inaugurated by the Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences, Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Baroud Saif, in the presence of a number of vice deans and faculty members.
The exhibition included a corner for the College of Applied Medical Sciences to educate the community about the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics as a result of their misuse, which leads to serious problems in the future in the non-acceptance of antibiotics.
In addition, methods for testing bacterial resistance to antibiotics were presented. As well as, some of the materials used in the laboratory in the method of cultivation and development of bacteria to the appropriate food media and some types of antibiotics used in the laboratory to find out the sensitivity of bacteria to these antibiotics.